Santa Cruz, CA, USA – Those of us who love that first perfect cup of coffee each morning are often willing to haul around whatever equipment necessary to ensure that it is a possibility. Whether house sitting in a chateau in Europe, staying with friends with a fully-equipped professional kitchen without a coffee maker (!), or car camping on location, we coffee fans just seem to do whatever is necessary to enjoy a cup “at home.” But adding a coffee maker, a French press, or even just a ceramic coffee dripper to one’s carry-on can get more than just a little bit cumbersome. What if all that could be simplified? What if we could make a great cup of coffee as easily as a cup of tea? Enter Steeped Coffee and their unique version of a tea bag-type coffee preparation method.
The concept of Steeped Coffee– specialty beans that are roasted in small batches, ground, and sealed into a unique glue- and metal-free pouch that can produce a glorious cup of coffee simply dunked into hot water- seems too good to be true. But it IS true! We’ve tested for you so you can experience coffee prep “liberation”without risk— and the entire experience with the product, from its packaging to its rave reviews during cupping, was, and continues to be, more than memorable.

The arrival of the Steeped Coffee 30-pack sampler kit was a conversation-starter, in itself. Staffers ship using an easy-to-open and highly attractive box featuring the company’s smart and quirky deep sea diver and periscope logos. Once opened, it was clear this container can double as a display holder for any use- bed and breakfast buffet, office commissary, or even kitchen counter at home. This kit contains 7 dark roast (“Odyssey Blend”), 7 French roast (“Driftwood Blend”), 7 medium roast (“California Blend)), 7 light roast (“Sunrise Blend”), and even 2 Swiss water process decaf (“Eventide”), so it provides ample opportunity for taste-testing coffee joy. And, yes, as the sales materials state, “the only thing better than a convenient and delicious cup of coffee is having it show up on your doorstep.”
The ground coffee packets, themselves, are quite attractive, each color-coded to distinguish one from the other, and each containing very easy-to-follow instructions. The sleek design allows for an easy fit into purse, lunch bag, brief case, suitcase, or vehicle glove box. , and a well-placed notch at top offers reliable ease with opening.
The sampler box comes with an easy-to-follow instruction card: “Submerge, Saturate, Steep.” That said,the preparation could not be easier: put filter sachet bag into cup, pour over with 8 oz of hot water, dunk for 15 seconds, allow to steep for 5 minutes (or longer). I found that, at first try, with just 5 minutes’ steep time, the “California Blend” (medium roast) beverage was a bit thin-bodied and lacked my preferred customary aroma. Upon adding organic cream, the coffee turned white very quickly. The package directions indicate that steeping time could be “5+ min.,” and so the next tasting round was done with more attention to the water temperature and a slightly increased steep time. Eureka! There was instant improvement in body, flavor, and viscosity in support of any added creamer product. This tester moved on to the Dark Roast offered and found this offering to be more satisfying, as was the French Roast, insofar as body, flavor, and viscosity. Most especially, the French roasted beans in this particular sampling were an easy please in every way. All that said, and definitely worth noting, this tester appreciated the lower acidity in all of the roasts. Even after sampling two cups in a row,the Steeped Coffee offerings were smooth and easy on the stomach while still delivering a lovely, and even, with no post-coffee-jitters, caffeine buzz.
The aromatic joy of opening what is, preserved via the nitro packaging, freshly-ground coffee morning after morning without any effort at all was quite appreciated. As a side note, a buttery coffee bean smell lingered on the packaging materials for the California and French Roast blends for quite some time; one could even consider using the open package as an actual “sachet” in drawers, handbag, brief case, suitcase, car or van…
Steeped also offers mugs and thermos tumblers emblazoned with their cool deep sea diver and periscope logos to further enhance the Steeped experience. This reviewer is particularly impressed with the company’s partnership with Klean Kanteen, another local California company, for their larger thermos tumbler. Klean Kanteen prides itself on the highest standard in safety for reusable eating utensils and storage containers. As well, this reviewer appreciates Steeped’s Jet-Boil Zip Cooking System, a portable water heating tool. It would be great to test this product at some point to see how it performs at build sites, during travel, and for car camping.

Steeped Coffee was established in 2017 via a KickStarter program. That should tell you something about the founders: innovators seeking the highest in quality, going to lengths not yet gone before in order to provide a unique and consistently high-quality coffee experience no matter the circumstances or set-up available. Steeped Coffee is also a generous company, giving back as it sees a need: at present, they have in operation their “You Give,We Give” program in support of frontline health care workers.
More about the company: “Steeped Coffee prides itself on being a Certified B Company which manufactures in the USA. They claims direct trade for ethically sourced coffee that is “artisan with craftsman quality.” Their products are Certified Kosher.“
About the coffee: “100% specialty coffee with no additives, solubles, crystals or freeze-drying needed; the beans are hand roasted in small batches. The beans are then precision ground, specifically “consistent water-cooled grinding to the micron…” The ground coffee is then nitro sealed for freshness.” (That last past was readily noticeable and appreciated; that buttery bean aroma was quite strong and long-lasting…)
About the “bags”: Steeped Coffee uses “bags” that are ultrasonically sealed using no glues or staples. From a health point of view, this is good news. From yet another ease-of-use standpoint: this might make it possible to microwave one’s coffee if one were truly in a hurry (ie, no metal flashing); we’ll be checking this out…
About their promotion: Steeped Coffee “uses eco-friendly water based ink for their packing and marketing, and they are a Certified Carbon Free Business Partner.”
Steeped Coffee’s concept- quality product, convenient delivery, and ethical standards are win-win-win, and this is echoed in the company’s motto: “Steeped is focused on “Purpose Beyond Profits,” and we see success as the amount of good we can do together.”
In short, the Steeped Coffee product is undeniably satisfying, quintessentially portable and also, well, cute! The company founders have obviously thought way outside the box to formulate a coffee delivery system to suit the needs- and tastes- of many of us now working and living in ways that no one would ever have imagined due to the state of our world. One plea would be, of course, to offer organic beans… But, overall, whether hydrating and bringing to life the Steeped Coffee single serve bags by way of hot water on a B&B breakfast buffet, from a kettle on a kitchen stove or via that portable butane lighter or a camp fire, the smooth and flavorful coffee in happy, attractive packages is sure to delight in every way!
The 411 About Steeped Coffee
Steeped, Inc. based in Santa Cruz, California, is a Certified B Corp and Benefit Corporation focused on every detail from farm-to-cup and beyond, to bring people the most convenient, high quality, ethically sourced, and sustainably packaged products available. Steeped Coffee is the new standard for single-serve coffee that combines both convenience and quality all within Guilt-Free Packaging. The proprietary Steeped Brewing Method delivers 100% freshly roasted, precision ground, and nitro-sealed specialty coffee pre-portioned within Steeped Full Immersion Filters. Steeped Coffee is the simplest way to make a perfect cup of coffee by just adding water, with no machine needed.
Steeped Coffee is available on Amazon with Prime Free Delivery, and through premium environmentally conscious supermarkets, luxury hotels, and offices with craft coffee services. Through licensed partnerships, Steeped, Inc. works with over 125 specialty coffee roasters to share its technology and brewing method around the globe. For more information, visit steepedcoffee.com. For business inquiries, contact sa***@st***********.com or visit steepedcoffee.com/business.
Visit steepedcoffee.com/yougivewegive to learn more and show your support for those on the front lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Text and Images ©2020 Michele Caprario
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